Brick & Modem LLC || 2021-01-29 22:38:08 -0800

We came, we tried, we failed like total idiots! Like any failed campaign we'd like to start off by blaming COVID-19, the deep state, and some oddly specific subreddit. Actually that last one would have been a great marketing channel that I probably underestimated. Just look at the damage they did to the stock market this week!

The first run is being assembled as we speak so we can start shipping these bad boys out before winter is over. Hopefully we're prepared for Christmas 2021 since we missed Christmas 2020 by a long shot. At least we're ready for Valentine's Day, I'm sure your mom or girlfriend would love one of these instead of jewelry / flowers / chocolate.

Someone once said, "If you want to succeed at anything you have to fail at something".  I guess that's half the battle? I don't know those GI Joe PSA's didn't really teach me much...